Theory and Comment |
Examples |
Communities of Practice Excellent and Inspiring! From the Knowledge Garden "a public service of Community Intelligence Labs, a part of the global commons"
Communities of Practice: A Review of the Literature
The People Are the Company Evolution of Communities of Practice at Xerox and National Semiconductor
On-line facilitation for Inperson Facilitators From Bill Harris, Facilitated Systems
Types of Group Work: A Decision Matrix From Bill Harris, Facilitated Systems
Groove Free Peer-to-Peer platform - further information when I've tried it but well worth investigating! "Whatever the outcome, the simple idea at its core easy-to-use peer-to-peer computing already has unleashed an intellectual storm that stands to change how digital bits, the lifeblood of the New Economy, are delivered, stored, and valued." Newsweek August 14, 2000. There's more comment on Groove on elearning post in their November Special Report: Deconstructing "Groove"
Making Beautiful Music: Culture change, not technology, is key to collaboration Article from CIO Magazine, December 15th, 1999 addresses collaborative working and technologies, emphasising that people come before technology
Community Standards From Fast Company , this is a well written article which discusses the issues involved in building an on-line community and includes 12 Steps to Real Community
Conferencing Software for the Web A comprehensive guide to software that powers discussions on the Web. Includes Freeware
Howard Rheingold Virtual Community Services This site from Howard Rheingold has masses of stimulating articles and links on on-line communities and creativity. Howard Rheingold has been a builder of online social networks and virtual communities since the mid-1980s.
I-KNOW: Inquiring Knowledge Networks on the Web I-KNOW is a tool to assist the study, creation and growth of knowledge networks I-KNOW has been designed to allow individuals to search an organization's databases to automatically answer questions about the organizations knowledge and cognitive networks - in other words: Who knows who? Who knows what? Who knows who, who knows who? Who knows who, who knows what?
Community Manager Network Designed with people interested in learning about or working in the online or virtual community field in mind. Offering information, resources, and references
On-line Facilitation Links An excellent page of links from the Yahoo! Group onlinefacilitation. It's well worth joining this newsgroup to learn from some of the leading practitioners and visionaries in this new field.
Knowledge Forum This is part of the Winona Online Democracy group which is itself part of Minnesota E-Democracy "Winona Online Democracy is an opportunity to participate in an ongoing, lively email discussion of local issues that are important to the community. It allows members to interact with other community members and leaders on important local issues. "
DenhamGrey' Wiki Page Denham Grey states: This is an experiment in collaboration. I'm keen to see if we can generate something more appealing from this open approach than happens in password protected web communities. I'm keen to explore the ethics, dynamics and practices around refactoring text, ideas, perceptions, claims and personal writings.
KnowledgeCommunity Another site started by DenhamGrey This site is a stack of links on the subject. The site introduction states Switch-yard to information on communities & learning, knowledge work and processes. Knowledge is created, collated, negotiated and tested in community. We achieve far more when we think together rather than thinking alone!
BuildingCommunity Another site started by DenhamGrey This site is a stack of links on the subject. The site introduction states Collecting information on virtual community training for design and architecture
Martin Silcock's Wiki Site Well laid out and implemented 11th October 2000. This site was built using the free service from
AUSTRALIAN COMMUNITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT A good example of a wiki. This was set up using wikiweb a very quick and easy to use free product, currently being tested on this website.
So, what's a Wiki? Click here for an introduction. More information to follow when I know more about them. In the meantime, if you have any comments or experience on Wiki's then please share these on the general discussion board.
WIKI Discussion discussion forum and extensive links on Wiki from Lars Heyerdahl
The Stone Society The Stone Society is a scalable, reversible, undelegated, symmetrical, decentralized and simple socioeconomic system intended for both freeware and corporate use Investigate and Understand!
Try out modifying or adding to a Wiki Web
h2g2 This site originates from The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy , the best-selling book by Douglas Adams. The introduction to this h2g2 states "h2g2 is an unconventional guide to life, the universe and everything. The Guide is written by visitors to the website - people like you - and already it has thousands of entries on all sorts of subjects. The result is a living, breathing guide that's constantly being updated and revised, driven forward by the very people who use it."
From the Four Directions - People Everywhere Leading the Way Worldwide Social Change Network
The Well The Well has been been in existence for fifteen years and is one of the original on-line communities. Their about page states: The WELL is a cluster of electronic villages on the Internet, inhabited by people from from all over the world. A discussion on the great eateries of Paris might include playful banter from people typing to one another from San Jose, Tokyo, well as the Left Bank. Yet the ambiance is all WELL. More than just another "site", The WELL has a sense of place that is nearly palpable. " The downside is you have to pay a monthly subscription to join it.