
Consultants & Institutes

Innovative Companies

Consultants & Institutes


Jerry Martin's Creativity Page & Links

Creative thinking and lateral thinking techniques Free tutorials and software

Michael Michalko Creative Thinking Resources

Tech Museum of Innovation in San Jose, California

The Business Creativity Network

Don! The Idea Guy Good links, information and articles

Creative Center of The Universe One of the most comprehensive web-sites around on the subject of creativity." --Roger von Oech, Creative Think

Creative Think Roger von Oech's site. This includes Creative Whack

Innovation Network

Talent Development Resources exploring talent and giftedness -information & inspiration to enhance creative expression An excellent site

The Creative Pages Includes "Zda Decision Maker"

Eric Maisel is a creativity coach who I came across while doing a creative writing course with the on line Writers Village University. You can signup for Eric's newsletters on creativity and on sleep thinking from buttons on his site.

New Intermediaries "is a group of people who share a common interest in introducing change to people and organisations." True "out of the box" thinking.

Knowledge Connections "This site cuts through the jargon to establish a solid resource file ... a valuable bookmark in an area that is becoming heavily overloaded with irrelevant information" Knowledge Management Review

Innovative Companies

Creativity and Innovation at NASA

Creativity and Innovation at 3M


Knowledge Management at Xerox

Business Excellence Training From Dutton Engineering. A leading example of Best Practice in the UK