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Do's and Don'ts
Author: Amy Cannello, GM Service Parts
DO's |
DON'Ts |
- Obtain Management Commitment
- Obtain Resource Commitments
- Follow Code of Conduct
- Provide Summary Report
- Debrief ASAP
- Be Flexible
- Have too Broad of Scope
- Proceed without Process Modeling
- Use Questionnaire for "Process"
- Have Separate Implementation Team
- Design Lengthy Questionnaire
- Give up!
Do's and Don'ts
Author: Tom Kirk, Florida Power & Light Company
"DO's" |
"DON'Ts" |
- Obtain Management Commitment
- Select a Benchmarking Process
- Provide Training
- Do Your Homework
- Prepare Your Question Set Early
- Organize Your Site Visits
- Share as "Partners"
- Document as you go
- Look for Innovative Practices
- Try to Prove You Are the "Best"
- Try to Solve All Your Problems at Once
- Look for the Absolute "Best-In-Class"
- Be Overwhelmed by Data
- Focus on the Metrics, Analyze the Practices
- Rush the Project Team Through the BMKG Study
- Forget BMKG is a Continuous Process